Digital organizational device trello has released a new domestic menu and notification machine.the brand new domestic menu offers customers with a unmarried ‘newsfeed’ of activity throughout all of the boards related to their trello account.
First, there's a new Home page that serves as a central hub, showing users all of their boards, tasks and a newsfeed of activity from their Trello teams. It features an "up next" section at the top which shows cards that have impending due dates, active conversations that require a reply, as well as cards that have added you as a member but haven't had any activity. From within this section, users can directly reply to cards or check them off as complete.the updated home menu also permits customers to have interaction with cards from trello forums without having to navigate to individual forums.

As for notifications, Trello is finally giving users a way to engage with notifications on a more granular level — rather than simply being informed that they have a notification.
Users can also mark notifications as read or unread, “depending on what you want to keep top of mind,” according to an April 24th, 2018 Trello media release.

The home update will roll out to web users today, before coming to Trello’s desktop and mobile users.
The notifications update will roll out to web and desktop users today, before eventually coming to mobile users.