Making money is not easy. If you want to make a good amount of money from the internet this article is for you. we only include some of the ways to earn money online. you haven’t heard that content is the king of the Internet so far, you probably live on Mars. However, if you’ve been around for a while, you must have noticed that humans are absolutely in love with the Internet. But what makes them so addicted to it? People are drawn to the world wide web for one simple reason: they’ve always reached after knowledge – information, data, or in other words, content – such is the human nature.
Apparently, content is the lifeblood of the Internet and it is in a great demand. This fact alone makes it a perfect product you can effectively sell. And it just so happens that 2018 is the perfect year for making some cash on content. Why this year exactly? Because Ning, a highly acclaimed social website builder, has just released its long-anticipated content monetization platform.
Time to make money on social media
The Internet monetization is on the rise. People eagerly pay their hard-earned buck to get access to the content they find useful. Digital goods like software, ebooks, music, videos, online lessons, etc. are hardly less popular than physical products these days.
In such favorable conditions, social e-commerce is flourishing. Social media, which not so long ago were used for online networking only, are now turning into grand marketplaces where all kinds of products, including content, can be bought and sold.
While making content is a matter of creativity and ingenuity, selling it is a matter of using reliable monetization tools. Let’s imagine you have created a travel blog. You have been to a lot of exciting places all around the world and accumulated an impressive experience. You discover that your knowledge could be priceless for people who are only planning to travel – and they wouldn’t mind paying handsomely for the tips and lifehacks only you could share with them.
So why not grab the bull by the horns and make some money on something you actually enjoy to do? Who knows, maybe your travel blog becomes so successful that you will be able to quit your nine-to-five-job and make your hobby a permanent source of income.
Now you know what kind of content to sell. But how to monetize traffic? You require a solution that will allow you to:
- Decide what content on your website is free and what’s worth charging for;
- Block the access to your premium content and offer it for a fee;
- Set up prices for your paid content;
- Accept payments from your customers;
- Manage invoices;
- Monitor your income and follow the analytics.
This is where Ning’s new e-commerce platform comes out on top giving users a chance to become self-made entrepreneurs and get paid for content.
How to monetize content with Ning
Ning is an online platform for building personalized social networks. With its help, you can easily create a website equipped with an abundance of networking features allowing you to build a thriving online community of any scale.
Recently, Ning has introduced a set of versatile monetization tools aimed at helping users to earn money from their communities through social payments. The available monetization options include:
- Paid Access: the ability to set up paywalls and sell specific pieces of content like blog posts, articles, and even entire member groups;
- Paid Membership: the feature that allows to apply a paywall to the whole website and charge a subscription fee over regular time periods;
- Donations: the ideal option for those who wish to raise funds for charity and other purposes by collecting voluntary contributions from website visitors.
The platform is still in its beta phase, but you can already get your hands on it and test the essential features. All you have to do is create your own social network on Ning and contact the support team via the live chat. Some Ning users participating in the beta test confirm they have already earned thousands of dollars. And it looks like it’s only the beginning.
To get paid for social media posts, blogging, and sharing interesting content is a rosy dream for everybody who likes to be a part of the sprawling Internet community, an active participant rather than an observer. The times have changed, and now not only tech-savvy Internet geeks can make money online. With user-friendly tools like Ning, everybody can create a website and make it profitable.